12 Reasons to Keep Your 2020 Resolution


12 reasons to keep your 2020 resolution, and 20 reasons why it’s okay to not to have made one in the first place. A new approach to the new year!

  1. You want to – otherwise why would you have made it?
  2. You are strong
  3. You are smart
  4. You deserve the best version of yourself. 
  5. Your friends and family deserve the best version of you. 
  6. Your peers and employers deserve the best version of you. 
  7. You can. You are capable. 
  8. You only get to live this year one time. Let’s make it all we can!
  9. It’s fun to feel accomplished 
  10. It’ll boost your confidence 
  11. Boosted confidence helps you achieve other goals!
  12. Achieving goals has financial gains, emotional rewards, and relationship benefits!

What if you didn’t make a 2020 resolution in the first place? If resolutions just aren’t your thing? Fair enough – I get it. I didn’t make one either.   🙂

Instead let’s focus on tiny tweeks every day. The theory of continual growth. 

Everyday I will strive to be more kind. 

Everyday I will strive to be more focused. 

Everyday I will strive to be a better employee(er). 

Everyday I will strive to be a better partner. 

Everyday I will strive to be a better peer and friend. 

Everyday I will strive to be a better teacher. 

Everyday I will strive to be a better driver. LOL. This one is for me personally 🙂

Everyday I will strive to be a better parent. 

Everyday I will strive to be a better stranger. 

Everyday I will strive to contribute to my community. 

Everyday I will strive to be a better customer. 

Everyday I will reflect on my strengths. 

Everyday I will reflect on what I am grateful for. 

Everyday I will tell the ones I love how much I love them. 

Everyday I will take a moment to receive a genuine hug (or give one – which in turn allows you to receive one). 

Everyday I will thank someone. 

Everyday I will give someone the grace that I hope other will afford to me. 

Everyday I will root for others to win!

Everyday I will congratulate someone. 

Life is good. Life is short. Thank you for reading! Thank you for choosing Cool Beauty Consulting. Let’s spread love, success, and growth in 2020!!!

Enjoy Cool Beauty College: Cool Beauty Online College

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